The Brave Little Mama

The Most Comfortable Long Sleeve Nursing Shirt Of All Time

Early on in my first breastfeeding journey, I realized that I had to find a long sleeve nursing shirt that I could wear around the house AND sleep in. Covert public nursing is the main goal of most of the nursing shirt. Which is fine, but that often means that there is a fair amount of fabric to maneuver around while feeding baby. But, that just was not what I needed for at home nursing sessions.

My criteria for a long sleeve nursing shirt was fairly simple BUT apparently I was looking for a unicorn:

  1. Long Sleeve (obvs.)
  2. Able to sleep in it comfortably
  3. No buttons to fumble with
  4. Doesn’t have fabric that would have to be held while baby nurses
  5. Milk stains are able to be washed out of fabric easily
  6. Long enough to be worn with leggings
  7. Loose enough that my postpartum fluff is not highlighted
  8. Must have more than one color available
  9. Ideally, not too expensive so I could get a few

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Enter my #1 most worn nursing item: The Criss Cross Cardigan

I wear these over a basic nursing camisole and they are so comfortable. There are a few different brands selling these type of tops on Amazon. I have bought from most of them and they are all pretty much the same. Lightweight material, criss cross drape in the front and above all, it provides SUPER easy nursing access. The biggest difference between sellers is the colors each has available. I started with the three pack from Free to Live in 2015 when my first baby was born and I am STILL wearing the original three. They are the best. In conclusion, if you are breastfeeding or are planning on breastfeeding, you need these long sleeve nursing shirts in your life.