The Brave Little Mama

The cariPRO Electric Toothbrush + GIVEAWAY

This post was sponsored by Smile Brilliant. I was provided with their cariPRO electric toothbrush and offered an extra to giveaway in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are 100% my own.

Teeth Matter

Earlier this year, I collaborated with Smile Brilliant with their teeth whitening systems (see my review here), so when they asked if I wanted to try their new electric toothbrush it was a no brainer. I loved the at home teeth whitening system so I was confident that I would love the cariPRO! I have been using a manual toothbrush for years and knew that the time had come to step up my oral hygiene game.

First Impressions

There were a couple of features that I noticed immediately. The toothbrush is waterproof so you can take it in the shower. This also means that I was able to rinse the toothbrush completely under the faucet after using which I love. I cannot stand a toothbrush that is crusty with dried toothpaste/water drippage (please tell me I am not the only one). The toothbrush charge holds for 30 days, which is amazing. I can easily bring it along on a weekend trip without also having to bring the charger.

Actually using the toothbrush is a pretty neat experience. There are 5 brush modes (clean, white, massage, gum care and sensitive). I tried all of them but found that sensitive was my favorite, which makes sense because I have sensitive teeth. Once hitting the power button the toothbrush takes you through a 2 minute cycle that pulses every 30 minutes. It is recommended that you focus on a different quadrant for each of the 30 seconds to make sure that every part of your mouth is evenly cleaned.

electric toothbrush

My Takeaway

I am a sugar-aholic that also has an affinity for sweet tea and soda. There is nothing worse than the fuzzy feeling of sugar sitting on your teeth. The first time I used the toothbrush, I noticed that my teeth felt wonderfully squeaky clean. After a few weeks of using the cariPRO, I definitely feel like my gums are healthier than they were previously. The cariPRO has officially converted me from my life long manual toothbrush habit!

If you’re looking for an affordable electric toothbrush, grab a cariPRO! They offer individual and couple packages. It’s not as expensive as some of the other electric toothbrush brands, so you could even win Christmas and gift one to someone you love!

electric toothbrush

I’m seriously excited to share that Smile Brilliant is offering a 20% discount towards cariPRO electric toothbrushes to my readers using the code bravelittlemama20 AND one of you can win one! (Open to US, UK, Canada, and Australia only) The retail value of this electric toothbrush is $119.00! 

**Giveaway Closed**