The Brave Little Mama

Nursing Maxi Dresses for Tall Mamas You Will Love

My entire wardrobe revolves around being able to easily whip out a boob to feed a baby. Glamorous, I know. I love to wear a maxi dress, but at 5’7″ it is such a pain in the butt to find ones that are long enough. Here is a round up of the best I have […]

How to Make Old Stuffed Animals Look New Again

If your child is anything like mine, than they likely have one (or more) favorite stuffed animals that go pretty much everywhere with them. The little horses that my son loves were starting to look pretty rough and matted. I decided to figure out a way to make them nice and soft again. Turns out […]

Elderberry Gummy Bears

Elderberry Syrup Gummy Bears Your Kids Will Love

Elderberries have been shown to boost immunity, decrease mucous production during colds and to fight the flu. FIGHT THE FLU??? Sign me (and my family) up!! For a long time, I was able to give my son his daily dose (1 tsp) of Elderberry syrup mixed in a bowl of yogurt. Lately, he has been […]

How to Break Your Toddler’s Wubbanub Habit

My son has been obsessed with his Wubbanub aka “wubby” since he was only a few weeks old. My husband and I have joked that he would probably take it to prom if we let him. It went pretty much everywhere with us and is in a majority of the photos of my son. We […]

Snuza Hero Review: The Peace of Mind You Need

Let me tell you all about the Snuza Hero, aka my most used baby product. It is a wearable device that clips onto your babies diaper and detects movement.  Specifically, it detects the movement of your baby’s breathing. If 15 seconds pass without detected movement, it vibrates in an attempt to rouse baby.  If an additional […]

My Buddy Tag Review: Why You Need This

Maybe it is the nerd in me, but every time I go somewhere busy with my kids, I think of the quote from Lord of the Rings “It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be […]

Why You Need A Haakaa Silicon Breast Pump

Have you ever heard of a silicon breast pump? The most well known brand in the game is the Haakaa. Right after I weaned my first baby I learned about them. If you haven’t, don’t feel bad.  I didn’t learn about these until after my first baby had weaned. After my second baby was born, […]

My Husband Doesn’t Help Me: A Challenge

The other day I was getting lunch with a few fellow mamas.  We each had at least one kid in tow, so our public lunch was quite the spectacle. In the conversation that we were able to sustain between the tantrums and random crying we got on the topic of who does what in each […]

The Best Way to Label Daycare Bottles

I am a breastfeeding mama that also works full-time away from home. That means that while I am at work, I have to pump. When I return from work each day, I have to prepare bottles for the next day at daycare. I love my babies, but the routine of pumping bottles can become a […]

8 Tips to Make Your Pumping Routine Easier

I am going to let you all in on a little secret… pumping sucks. When my son was born, I was on a mission to breastfeed to at least a year, and nothing was going to stop me. My twelve week maternity leave came to an end and I was shocked at how much I […]